Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I have lots of teeth (8), can stand on my own, use the toilet and know and say lots of words and sing! Some words are:

mama, dada, kai, hi, robot, lola, this, that, hot, hat, ball, woof-woof and Spider-Man.

I love reading books, giving hugs (and saying "awwwww" when doing so). I started walking at 11.5 months!

Hey, An'ostin, what'cha gonna do with that dirt?

This goes down much easier

camping at Lac Le Jeune

with my great-grandma (she's 90!)

Doing my 'bizness'

Kai took this one of me

if this were dirt it would be in my mouth and not around it.


my cousins

with my Kookum & Avo (grandma & grandpa)

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