Friday, August 25, 2006


On Friday August 25, 2006, at 5:55 pm, I slipped from my mom's belly into a pool of warm water, set up in our living room. For months, my parents were expecting a little girl and were surprised to find that I was a boy. Don't trust the ultrasound! I was supposed to be named Lola Sue but now they had to figure out a new name for me. My parent's friend, Kevin was there to look after my older brother while my mom gave birth to me. Kevin took Kai to the movie store to get some movies for the long labourous night to come but I decided I couldn't wait any longer and wanted out right away. By the time Kevin and Kai came back from the store, I was here. My dad was holding me when they came back and Kevin thought my dad was playing a joke on them. "No. That's not a real baby."

I weighed 10 pounds 2 ounces and measured 60 cm in length.

I was very blue. I ranked a "0" in pinkness upon arrival; my birth was so intense and quick that my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. Tracy, the midwife, handled the situation perfectly and brought me out safe. Blue, but safe and healthy.

1 comment:

an'ostin said...

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS JOHNNY AND KAMALA!!!!! All the best to you and the Big Little One! Judge Pickles Junior?

Strong work y'alls......

Big Love,

Steve and Tonya

8:50 PM
Anonymous said...

A boy!!!!??!!!! Screw you modern science!

Congratulations kids. Kamala you look wonderful and great job on the biiiiiig delivery!

Let us know what you need!

Much love,

8:50 PM
Anonymous said...


Brett Carlson

8:50 PM
Anonymous said...

Ten pounds? That's not a baby, that's a turkey!
Come to think of it, you're a turkey!
Congratulations turkey!


8:51 PM
Anonymous said...

Whoa! Awesome rack!

The kid's cute too!



PS: Name suggestions: Gaylord, Mylar or Gypsum

8:51 PM
Anonymous said...


...and CONGRATS! Here's hoping everyone is well and you wash the pool before Mhari comes over to play!



Ken, Robin and Mhari

8:51 PM
Anonymous said...

"Am filled with warm feelings by this news, I offer my sincere greetings of love & welcome to you Kamala and to our 'new' family member! I congratulate you for bringing a baby boy child into our family. I am honored to be part of the Extended Todd family at times like this! I will pray for you and you baby's healthy return home and for the many years to come...warm Bahai

love Uncle don

8:52 PM
Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the birth of your new son. He looks like a cutie. He almost came on your anniversary. Congratulations on that too. The pictures on your blog are great. Doreen thinks the new babe looks like another little Johnny. Well Done! I forwarded your birth announcement to Lauren & Jodie – hope that was all right.

We have visitors this weekend from the coast. They have a daughter-in-law taking part in Ironman Canada so we are all up early to try a glimpse of her.

Have a great day with you new addition. We will be thinking of you

Uncle Peter & Auntie Doreen

8:52 PM
Anonymous said...


thats great!

And don't forget McEwen refused to call his kid "Blood Ax" so that one is still available.

Patrick Carroll

8:53 PM
Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Kamala and Johnny. We just returned from Powell River a
few minutes ago and found out. Robin was on Savary so she doesn't know
either but should be back in a few hours. She will be surprised and had
asked if I had heard the news since she's been isolated out there with no
electricity etc. I think this calls for a drink in CELEBRATION right?

Carol and John

8:53 PM
Anonymous said...

hey, congratulations family! Just got home this minute from holidays so
just got the news - send my love to Kamala and let her know I am glad she's
doing well. Lots of love to you,


8:53 PM
Anonymous said...

hey hey hey hey DUDEMAN!

well well well... congrats dude! ...another little wee, chip off da old Schooly D blok running around eh??


Scotty Iverson

8:54 PM
Anonymous said...

Welcome little Muscleman!

Wow, congratulations Kamala, Kai, and Johnny! I am so amazed by Kamala's super girl power - most impressive birth. I will tell her tale to all the wussy moms here about to give birth!
And boy oh boy - what a surprise for you guys - a boy! How about a boy named Sue? haha. groan. I was just thinking that you were perhaps wanting to incorporate your mom's name. hmm.How about something Norse? I like Finn. Lars? Gunnar? Loki?
Well, have fun with the naming of your new little guy.
Take care of your brood proud Papa,

hearts and os,

8:55 PM
Anonymous said...

Wicked dood congratulations! Everyone looks healthy and happy can't wait to meet the little one!

JP, Denise and Noah!

8:55 PM
Comment deleted

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8:55 PM
Anonymous said...

Welcome Son of Johnny & Kamala, brother of Kai! Great to hear everyone is doing well. What a beautiful family you have! I look forward to meeting your new addition. It's been wayyy too long since I've seen you. Hopefully we will cross paths soon.

Nicole Makila :)

8:56 PM
Anonymous said...

I think you should call him President's Choice. Just run with the no name thing.

Congratulations you guys!


4:54 PM
Anonymous said...

Hi !!!

Just back from holidays!! How exciting!! Woo-hoo!!

What a surprise!! Can't wait to see that guy, give my best to all!!

He looks like you!!


6:31 PM